L65M will sit a first term assessment under exam conditions in your Maths lesson on Tuesday 14 December. The questions will all be from Edexcel exam papers on work covered in both Mr Herring's and Mr Smith's lessons. There will be no Trigonometry or Integration questions.
The 1 hour paper will be made up at follows:
Question | Topic | Marks |
Q1 | Straight Line | 7 |
Q2 | Circle | 6 |
Q3 | Quadratic Discriminant | 6 |
Q4 | Non-Linear Simultaneous Equations | 7 |
Q5 | Factor Theorem | 6 |
Q6 | Binomial Expansion | 7 |
Q7 | Basic Differentiation | 5 |
Q8 | Stationary Point | 6 |
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